Organization: Asset Africa Institute
Registration deadline: 20 Jul 2016
Starting date: 27 Jul 2016
Ending date: 29 Jul 2016
Dear Partner,
Asset Africa Institute, (, is pleased to announce the following seminar which will take place in July 2016, in Mombasa, Kenya.
Seminar Name:Disaster Management, Prevention and Safety Awareness Seminar
Date: 27th -29th July 2016
Venue: Mombasa, Kenya
Cost: USD 600
Need for Seminar
Disaster management teams can help to protect and preserve the environment. The goal of emergency preparedness programmes is to achieve a satisfactory level of readiness to respond to any emergency situation through programmes that strengthens the technical and managerial capacity of government, organizations and communities.
This seminar is designed to help participants understand and develop plans to save lives, minimize disaster damage and enhance disaster response operations, develop and able to test warning system regularly and plan measures to be taken during a disaster alert period to minimize potential loss of life and damages to physical properties.
By the end of the seminar, your staff will be able to establish emergency response policies, standards, organizational arrangements and operational plans to be followed by other staff members in the organization and other response entities after a disaster. Moreover, organization staff will be adequately skilled to take necessary actions in the face of a disaster.
Seminar Objectives
Long term objective: Participants to achieve a satisfactory level of readiness to respond to any emergency situation through design and implementation of programmes that strengthens the technical and managerial capacity of government, organization and communities.
Short term objective: Promotion of sustainable livelihoods and their protection and recovery during disasters and emergencies.
Major skills to be cultivated among Participants
- Flexibility
- Creative thinking and decision making
- Strong communication skills
- Organizational skills
- Time management skills
- Teamwork
Overview of disaster management
- Concepts applied in disaster Management: Hazard, Risk, Emergency, Disaster, Venerability, Management
- Types of natural and non –natural disasters and their causes
- Implications of disaster on your region and environment
Disaster Management Cycle
- Mitigation Phase: Tools used, Mitigation strategies, Disaster and development and their basic themes
- Preparedness Phase: Prepared Measures, Particular importance of preparedness
- Response and Recovery: Aims of disaster response, The 12 disaster response activities, the recovery plan, recovery activities -both short term and long term
- Disaster as opportunities for development initiatives
Coordination of Disaster Response Activities and Assessment of Health Needs
- National emergency committee
- Role of Regional Health emergency committees
- Assessment of needs: Main objectives, 3 stages of assessment of needs
Mass Casualty Management
- Pre- hospital emergency care
- Field care
- Triage
- Hospital reception and treatment
- Hospital organization structure
- Standardized simple therapeutic procedures
- Redistribution of patients between hospitals
Epidemiological surveillance and disease control
- Risk of outbreak following disasters
- Setting up disease surveillance
- Presentation and interpretation of collected data
- Laboratory services
- Vaccination and vaccination programs
- Transmission of zoonoses
Environmental health management
- Priority environmental health services
- Water supply
- Food safety
- Basic sanitation and personal hygiene
- Solid waste management
- Vector control
- Burial of the dead
- Public information and media
Food and nutrition
- Expected consequences of disasters on the food chains
- Setting priorities
- Immediate relief
- Estimating food requirements
- Procurement
- Surveillance
Planning, layout, and management of temporary settlement and camps
- Setting up camps and settlements
- Site selection
- Camp layout
- Camp services-Water Supply, Excreta disposal, Health Services
Communications and Transport
- Telecommunication
- Transport
- Inventory of resources
- Transport equipment needs
- Equipment sources
Managing Humanitarian Relief Supplies
- Basic principles
- The logistical supply chain
- Supply management
- Supply management systems
- Follow-up of donor offers
- Use of local stocks
- Expired drugs and perishable products
- List of essential drugs
Re-establishing Normal Health Programmes
- Long-term health effects caused by disasters
- Humanitarian supply management system
- Distribution and storage supplies
Who Should Attend
- Non- government Institutions Staff dealing with Poverty, Emergencies and other Health Related Issues
- Health Policy Makers
- Administrators & Emergency Managers
- Public Health Staff
- Health Care Providers
- Key Staff of Airline Travels
- Staff of Private Companies
- Places with Epidemic
- Countries with Frequent Natural Calamities
- Government Institutions and Organizations
- Senior Organization Staff whose work involves Making Critical Decisions
Seminar Methodology
Dynamic, creative, participant centered, practical, interactive, interesting adult learning methodologies-including facilitated discussions, small group interactive exercises, large group discussions, role plays, plenary presentations and Case Studies.
Participants will have an opportunity to make a visit to the beach to unsolve 6 disaster management puzzles.
Objectives of visit
- Identifying types of both natural and man-made hazards at the coastline
- Make a list of coastal related disease
- Identifying various health and disaster response teams around the area
- Food and water safety
- Health safety in the area
After coastal beach visit, participants divided into groups to visit identified major health facilities within Mombasa visit to authenticate the results and present control measures against disasters.
About the Organization
Asset Africa Institute ( has distinguished itself as the training provider of choice among development organizations. AAI specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide. We work with a team of high end consultant base of more than 130 highly educated and experienced professionals many of whom are involved in post doctoral research work. Over the years, AAI has provided consultancies and training to such reputable organizations as: Federal University, Birnin Kebbi-Nigeria, African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD),Norwegian Church Aid-Zambia, ACOMIN-Nigeria, Tear Fund-DRC, CLEEN Organization-Nigeria, Love Botswana Outreach Mission, Islamic Relief-Somalia, National Museums of Kenya, Cornerstone Development-Uganda, International Organization for Immigration (South Sudan), Save Your Generation (SYG)-Ethiopia, Africa Rice Center (Africa Rice)-Benin, Rwanda Union of the Blind, Sasakawa Africa Association-Ethiopia, Harare Institute of Technology, Care International-Mali, Africa Centre of Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research (CEFOR) University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Oxfam America Horn of Africa Regional Program-Ethiopia, among others.
For information in regard to the above workshop kindly contact:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute,
Trust Mansion Hse,
Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965,
Email: /
How to register:
To enroll for this seminar, fill in the registration form attached and then email it to the attention of:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965